Friday, August 30, 2024

Trying Again

 Hey lovelies 

Thought I would try and start up this blog again. It’s been a few years so let’s start afresh. 

First stitching and I’m glad to say I’ve almost finished Gypsy Vanner with a page and left of stitching to go!

Ghosts In The Forest is also coming along nicely 

And I don’t think I had started these two from the last blog post I made so first up is The Storyteller 

And Looney Tunes Bikers 

Since it’s getting quite late here I’ll be sure to update with what all the above will look like one day in the next few days but until then I hope everyone is travelling well and I’ll put up some photos of my knitting and crochet as well. 

Cheers, Sharine 

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Stitching and other wips

Hi All,

Sorry I missed last week but I'm back this week with a few things starting with Consumed which is looking like this after this months rotation.

I am loving stitching on her face and watching her come to life. She is from Tilton Crafts but is sadly retired.

I also got the chance to test this crochet pattern which is due to be released on May 11th from Mayhem and Majesty

This is only my second filet crochet blanket but I love it and the pattern is super easy to follow with a graph and written directions. The top and bottom colours are marvel 8ply and the middle colour is panda magnum.

I think I will add a border but for now it's done as I have a few orders to get stuck into as well at the moment.

And speaking of orders this is one I completed this week. The pattern is a freebie from Lincraft and I used their fairy floss yarn to knit them.

And that is all for this week so until next week stay safe and happy crafting.
Cheers, Sharine

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Mostly knitting but with a few ribbons

Hi All,

No cross stitch this week since I usually take update photos at the start of the month but I do have some other bits and pieces. I'm not sure if I was doing markets last time I was blogging but if not guess what? I have a little handmade business up and running and usually do two markets a month.

But naturally since  the markets are on hold at the moment  it has given me a chance to catch up on orders and stock.

This baby set was a custom order and is a Shepard pattern and knit out of Bendigo Woollen Mills 3ply . I can't recommend them highly enough for beautiful wool.

I also finished these two Barbie mermaid tails

And I started the monster jumper out of some green acrylic also from Bendigo Woollen Mills

The magazine is out currently in Australia if anyone is interested.

And I also made some hair accessories which are always popular not only with the little girls but lately also kinder teachers and nurses to make the kids smile and give them something to talk about which I find pretty cool.

So that was my week. Home schooling also kicked off this week where I live and I think we all done well and I know my kids were excited when they realised they could have pyjama day everyday lol

Hope everyone is doing well!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

New Wips

Hi All,

Hope everyone is staying safe and sane. We aren't going to bad and the girls to their credit have been doing extra well.

So since I finished two wips since I was here last it only makes sense that I start three more right?

I work on a two week rotation. The first week I focus on Consumed and the other three get spread out the following week.

First up is Gypsy Vanner being stitched on 20ct aida two over one. I got this in a kit from my husband who used the wise guidance of Alicia aka The Crafty Princess with the help of Nikki from Charting Creations

All finished it will look like this

But at the moment it is looking like this

And Ghosts In The Forest also available from Nikki at Charting Creations is being stitched on 20ct aida two over one and will one day look like this

But at the moment is looking like this

And finally my max colours supersized The Storyteller available from Heaven And Earth Designs being stitched also on 20ct aida two over one

The beautiful artwork

And my start

And that is all my cross stitching wips at the moment so you can see my love of Baps is still going strong!

Cheers, Sharine

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Guess Who's Back? Back again...

Hi All,

Is anyone still around? After  a break I am going to try and get blogging again and rather then fill you in on all the going on's I will just fill in as I go.

So since last time Princess Izzy got finished. she was stitched on 20ct aida two over one and is available from Heaven And Earth Designs.

And joining her in the finish pile is Piper Tir N Org with the stats as Izzy.

Consumed is now my main squeeze and is being stitched on 25ct laguna one over one. She was from Tilton Crafts but is now sadly retired.

I have had quite a few knitting finishes but the doll sleeping bags are my latest finishes. The purple yarn is from Spotlight and is from the mill ends and the multi colour was a Premier Yarns sweet roll.

My crochet finishes look like this and I'm on a bit of a star blanket kick at the moment. The red, yellow and black one is crocheted from Marvel Yarns. And the ducky one is also marvel yarn from spotlight.

And that is about it for now. I have three new stitching wips that I will show off next week when I take their latest progress shots.

I hope everyone is keeping well in these challenging times and I promise I will be back sooner then later.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Stitching and stuff

Hi All,

The weeks seem to be flying away at the moment! I think oh yeah I will update my blog tonight but forget and then its the next week lol.

Anyway here is how I spent that week.
(And excuse the wonky stitchy photos but I usually take them on a Friday night with my phone on one hand while I use the other hand to keep Elsa ( my over excited dog) away)

Princess Izzy

My knitting consisted of these six matching Barbie dresses that the customer uses for table props on her dance nights.

And my next order which a twin set in 4ply cotton. I have finished the first half and am on to the cardigan.

And to top if off the ever stunning Alicia who goes by the title of the crafty princess sent me this beautiful chart.

Cheers, Sharine

Monday, April 25, 2016

Wipocalype #4

Hi All,

Crossing fingers my laptop is fixed once and for all!
So for the catch up

Piper last time

And now

Princess Izzy last time

This time

And Consumed last time

this time

And of course I fitted in some knitting

Cheers, Sharine