Hi All, First for the stitchy bit.
Golf Cart Santa- Almost done with stitching part and then on to the backstitch.
Princess Izzy- I got a break from the green to add 3 pink stitches which is in the top part of her tiara
And for the most important part my oldest Miss Bella turned six on Saturday and got her DS
And if you ever want a challenge try to get six kids aged 6,6,4,3,2 and 1 to sit still for a photo. One day my sister and I will have this shot if it kills us
From left to right nephews Justin and Tyson my daughters Charlotte(refer to previous post to see her pretty face), Isabella, Hannah and my niece Kimberley.
She had a great day with her friends(all 20 of them) and the house will also live to see another day:)