Friday, June 24, 2011

Update on Faery Tales

Hi All, Here is another update on faery tales I'm almost at the end of the gingerbread house and in a couple of rows will start the three bears
And how could I go past this when I checked out the new charts from haed this morning
Aussie Girl by Hannah Lynn I'm just tossing up whether to get the white removed from the background of  the chart which uses 25 skeins of it!


  1. Great progress on Fairy tales!
    I love Aussie girl too! But I didn't realize the white area has to been stitched.

  2. I love Faery tales, it's such an amazing design and you are doing wonderful work on it :) Your new chart look fine, too :)
    I'm luuking forward to see the three bears!

  3. Awesome progress, Sharine. Faery looks amazing!

    25 skeins on white??? Sheeesh. Can you just not stitch them instead of paying for the removal fee?

  4. Thanks for the comments I should be able to remove the white if I want to because I think by the time I have finished stitching her my white might not be so white;-)
