Friday, November 11, 2011

Faery Tales Update

Hi All, Here is Faery Tales again.
This Sunday I am planning on starting Princess Izzy just for a break on Faery Tales. So from Monday to Saturday it will be Faery Tales and for Sunday night Princess Izzy on 20ct aida.  Hopefully this will make it up to my own Princess Izzy as Isabella still goes on about the green haired mermaid taking Ariel's spot in Faery Tales. Thank goodness Snow White sort of resembles the Disney version(at least in her eyes)!Floral Beauty will get worked on whenever my mother-in-law is out of the house.
And just for one small vent- I really wish people would keep their dogs locked up in their own yards. Now that the weather has been getting nicer I have been walking Bella to kinder. After dropping her off my other two daughters and I started to walk home we got followed by a large black dog and while he was friendly enough(at one stage he knocked of someone's ball out of their yard and dropped at my feet to throw it) Charlotte just doesn't like dogs any larger then our fox terriers so she piggy backed home while I pushed the pram. Nothing like a bit of weight training. A bit closer to home and their were three more dogs taking themselves for a walk.
Now I'm off to make breakfast for my three little girls after the littlest one decided everyone needed to be awake at 5:15am by squealing.


  1. Your Faery Tales looks wonderful!

    Oh, be careful walking your daughters with big dogs around! Read about what happened last year in my city:

  2. i completely agree with you about the dog situation, it really is one of my pet hates, especially when they let me raom in childrens football pitches and parks GRRRR!
    i love faery tales my stitchy bug ran off but now i feel seeing that i need to run after it and get cracking again!

  3. Hi Sharine,

    Faerie tales is looking gorgeous - so beautiful - and I am in awe of you having 30 HAED charts. Do you have a list of them?

    How was the Whittlesea show? Did you all have a ball?

    Hugs, Kaye xoxox

  4. Thanks for the comments. The girls had the time of their life at the Whittlesea Show but jeez are showbags expensive!

  5. That isn't allowed here. No dog is allowed outside their yard without a leash. It makes life a lot easier.

    Faerie tales is looking great... it is kinda bad that it doesn't match with disney's versions if you have a little girl!

  6. 5:15am squealing AND a pack of dogs AND a piggy-back ride? However do you find the energy for stitching? :)

    Your sitithcing is looking great!
