Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Goodbye Waffle

Hi All,
We lost Waffle this week and I thought she deserved her own post. It was a bit hard to take with losing Buffy earlier this year most of all for the girls. Unfortunately  all our animals were/are about the same age so have all aged together. She was Keith's cat but for some reason I was the one she bugged for food all the time and she would sit in front of me at night time waiting for me to quit stitching and go feed her. She also recently learnt how to open the fridge by herself which ment barricading it so she couldn't.
We will all miss her.


  1. Sorry, Sharine...our pets are special, huh?

  2. So sorry to hear, Sharine. It's a bit of a surprise how hard the loss of a beloved pet can be. Your Waffles looks alot like my Desiree, who we lost last summer.hugs to you and your family.

  3. I'm so sorry Sharine. I'm sending hugs and happy thoughts for you and your family. Remember the fun times and her opening the fridge. I have one cat that opens all the kitchen cabinets. We have to put child safety hooks on them to keep her out.


  4. So sorry to hear this sad news..
    Sending you big hugs xxx

  5. I'm sorry Sharine, our pets are part of the family hey?

  6. So Sorry to hear, the loss of a pet can be so hard! Hugs
    Happy Stitching

  7. So sorry for you, she was a beautiful kitty! Hope your girls are taking it ok.

  8. Loosing a pet is SOOO hard! Hugs! Keeping pets age in mind, I have about 8 yrs between my two cats. When I first moved out I had a very small apartment so I only had room for one. When I bought my home 11 years ago I got a second cat. Its nice knowing I've got a age gap between the two (I admit its good for the older cat too). Of course we never know what life has in store for us if our pets will live to a good old age or not.

  9. So sorry to hear about Waffle. It's devastating when we lost pets, I know the feeling. We have a 12 year old dog, tho he's still very strong, I always always fear the time that we will see him go when he has to...

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss Sharine. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts as you go through this time of sorrow.

  11. So sorry for your loss! Hugs and prayers!

  12. Oh no Sharine! Sorry to hear about your loss of Waffles. I hope you and your family are okay. It's so sad to loss a loved pet.
    Alicia xo

  13. I'm sorry to hear that you lost another fuzzy child this year. *HUGS* I hope the good memories outweigh the bad, and that they continue to watch out for you and your girls.

  14. Oh, that is such sad news. So very sorry to hear that you have lost such a precious member of the family. Hope you are all doing ok... Hugs xx
